Friday, March 10, 2006

We All Have To Go Home One Day

I know that often there are no words that could make the world better, because already from the beginning of time the pain and love have agreed to go hand in hand. We always hope for everything to turn out fine, but the truth is that even when all the affairs in our lives do not seem to go the way we wish, in some means it is and will be the way it should be. It is like the moon and the sun that move over the horizon as the earth rotates. For us, here and now, there will be always a new day after a starry night, and a waking spring after a cool winter. The seeds will grow to a colorful foliage if we’ll nurture them and will die after they have given the essence of beauty to the world.
Everything in this Universe presents itself by the beginning and the end - like the compositions in the music that are born in pianissimo and flow through crescendo to fortissimo followed by diminuendo. We are the masters who are trying to accomplish the art of arranging sounds in time to produce a continuous melody and hate to accept dissonance or atonality, because all we yearn is the sonority - the perfection of harmonic relationship that is not spoiled by dramatic tonal-tension. But no symphony can last forever, because sooner or later the conductor will need a break and has to leave the podium.
For some of us it is probably easier to see the life through the paintings that start with the white paper and primary colors. But as the life goes on we perceive the magnificence of creating the secondary colors; as well as various tints, tones and shades. And then at one point we stop and step back to look what we have created, and realize that - this is it! If we would add one more speck to it, it would become ruined. Thus the painting is done and it is time to move on to the new white sheet.
Throughout our lives we are the apprentices to our own souls who direct us to apply the colors to the paper. Some of us use more aggressive colors while others are drawn towards receding ones, but it is ultimately up to our will to make the choice between the paints. As Paul Gauguin has said, "Life has no meaning unless one lives it with a will, at least to the limit of one's will. Virtue, good, evil are nothing but words, unless one takes them apart in order to build something with them; they do not win their true meaning until one knows how to apply them."
Life is the sacrifice that we all make, and although we wish it to last forever, most of us don’t dream to outlive our following generations. It is a succession of existence that carries on to the eternity. And more than anything we would like to believe that as complicated as all the biotic entities are there has to be more to this cycle of life than just to "be and die" - otherwise it would seem so senseless; because the "life," as we know, is such a small fraction of the time continuum.
The death is not a punishment, but the right for freedom from the duty that the Universe has bestowed on us . And it would be very selfish for the rest of us to try to drag these people, who have filled their obligations to this world down the longer road than they are destined to - just because we are not ready for it.
We all have to go home one day…

Häly Laasme
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